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  • Stephanie Leverentz Physician Assistant (PA-C)

    Stephanie Leverentz - Profile PhotoA physician assistant is a highly trained independent practitioner with advanced training in orthopedics. They are both trained and licensed to independently provide care, diagnosis and recommendations throughout the orthopedic clinic. Stephanie Leverentz PA-C received her B.S. in Kinesiology and a B.S in Food Science and Human Nutrition from the University of Illinois in 2013 graduating with honors, and then completed a Master of Medical Science and Physician Assistant Studies at South College in Knoxville, TN in 2016. She's always had an interest in both orthopedics and an active life. Outside of work, Stephanie enjoys spending time outside and taking long walks on the beach.

  • Sage Norwood

    Sage Norwood - Profile PhotoComing soon

  • Erica Applegate

    Erica Applegate - Profile PhotoComing soon

Dr. Van Staff - Profile Photo
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