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Hip and pelvic disorders can be both functionally limiting and non-specific. There are multiple offending etiologies that often have significant cross over with regard to their symptoms. An improved understanding and an increase in the treatment modalities have allowed physicians to better identify and treat a wide range of ailments. Furthermore, the increase and availability of ultrasound has made evaluation and diagnosis of a multitude of conditions possible in an office setting. These advances in diagnosis have been followed by improved treatment options including; femoroacetabular impingement procedures and hip arthroscopy.

However, the first line treatment for the majority of hip and pelvic conditions consists of extensive conservative management. Injections are a major part of the nonoperative treatment and can be an effective diagnostic and therapeutic tool. This review describes injection techniques that can be used to treat a variety of hip and pelvic conditions, including; bursitis, gluteus medius tendinosis, piriformis syndrome, hamstring pathology, labral tears and osteoarthritis.

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