The hip labrum is a ring of tough cartilage that surrounds the outer edge or rim of the hip socket, helping to cushion the joint and maintain joint flexibility while also acting to hold the ball portion of the hip joint in place. Hip labral tears tend to occur in people who participate in sports and physical activities that place a lot of strain on the hip and the upper leg. Are you experiencing pain from a possible torn hip tendon? Call the office of Dr. Van Thiel to schedule a consultation.
Tears can form after a sudden traumatic injury like a hip dislocation or from repetitive wear and tear on the joint. Labral tears also become more common as we age and age-related changes cause the cartilage fibers to weaken and become more susceptible to damage. Some people with certain congenital deformities of the hip joint are also more likely to have a tear in their labrum. Without prompt medical attention, a hip labral tear can lead to the development of gait problems and a painful hip, which in turn increases the likelihood you'll have long term hip problems.
Symptoms of a torn hip tendon
A hip labral tear can be a source of considerable pain and irritation in and around the hip, sometimes extending into the groin or buttocks areas. Painful symptoms tend to become worse with weight-bearing activities like walking or standing or flexion positions of the hip like sitting or stairs. The joint may feel stiff and your range of motion can be limited. Some people notice a clicking or “catching” sensation in the joint or a feeling of instability or “giving way” when walking or moving the hip. Over time, a labral tear can change the way you walk, resulting in pain in your lower back, your knees and your ankles, and instability in the joint can increase, leading to long term hip problems.
How are hip labral tears diagnosed and treated?
Diagnosis of a hip labral tear begins with a physical examination and a review of your symptoms. Dr. Van Thiel will also ask you about the activities that cause pain in your hip, and he'll use active and passive movements to zero-in on the location of your pain and to evaluate its extent. He'll also order diagnostic imaging of your hip joint to assess the bones and the labrum.
Once a hip labral tear has been diagnosed, treatment will depend on the extent of the damage, your activity level and other factors. For very small tears, treatment may begin conservatively with pain medication, corticosteroid injections and physical therapy. For more serious tears or when conservative treatment options don't provide relief and healing, surgery may be recommended.
Dr. Van Thiel is a leading authority on hip arthroscopy procedures, minimally-invasive procedures that use small incisions to reduce tissue damage and speed recovery. Hip arthroscopy uses a flexible scope with a tiny camera to see inside the hip joint, eliminating the need for large incisions. During the hip arthroscopy procedure, special instruments will be used to remove and repair the damaged areas of the labrum. In most cases, surgery can be performed on an outpatient basis. Afterwards, you'll use crutches for a few weeks and have regular physical therapy sessions to help restore normal function, range of motion and strength to your hip joint. Recovery takes about two to three months in most cases.
Experiencing pain from a torn hip tendon?
Hip pain is a common medical complaint among both men and women, and a common cause of disability in the U.S. Hip labral tears are a common source of this pain. If you're needing to treat tendon tears, symptom relief begins with a comprehensive evaluation to determine the cause. Get started on feeling better. Call OrthoIllinois at and schedule a consultation and evaluation with Dr. Geoffrey Van Thiel today.